Be seen stand out!

online resume

Resuvision allows job seekers to display a video greeting with their online resume.

Video Upload

Just, record a 20-30 second video of you saying hello a few things about yourself. Upload your video to Resuvision and paste the private URL on your resume.

Hiring Managers

When hiring managers open your resume they can click on the link to see a private video introduction from you.

Online Resume

Resuvision allows job seekers to display a video greeting with their online resume.

Upload Video

Just, record a 20-30 second video of you saying hello a few things about yourself. Upload your video to Resuvision and paste the private URL on your resume.

Video Introduction

When hiring managers open your resume they can click on the link to see a private video introduction from you.

What people are saying...

Margaret E.

"ullamco laboris nisiullamco laboris nisi"

Fred S.

"cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit."

Sarah W.

"adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. "

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